
Golden Eagle papercraft English edition


定価 5,000円(内税)

The golden eagle is at the top of a food chain and one of the rare
species of animals in the world. They live in the northern part of North
Africa, the northern part of North America and Eurasia, also in Japan.
Adults have a wingspan of 2 meters. They occur in open forests and
grasslands and their eyesight is 500 times sharper than a human's. They also
use their powerful talons to carry off prey as large as deer and monkeys. In
Japan, they mainly live on rabbits and snakes. Their plumage is mostly dark brown. However, the name derives from a golden sheen on the back of the head and neck and they deserves to be called the king of birds.
Upon completion of this golden eagle, you can enjoy different faces of the eagle and can move the head part and legs. Additionally, by replacing some parts, you can enjoy perching,flying and hunting eagle.

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